

Breaking the cycle of trauma and prison

(Please note: the following blog post contains the reflections of formerly incarcerated people in their own words, and it covers material that is emotionally sensitive such as rape and gun violence.)   Daniel Jones’ life changed forever when his parents separated when he was just a young boy. Up to then, he felt secure and [...]

MDOC in 2018: By the numbers

Each year, the Michigan Department of Corrections releases a factbook of statistics describing their department, the state prisons and the people who are incarcerated inside them. This year’s factbook, which looks at statistics from 2018, was recently released. Overall, the facts and figures point to continuing trends: Michigan’s prison population continues to fall, while our [...]

Safe & Just Michigan’s Top 10 for criminal justice reform in 2019

As 2019 winds down, we thought we’d take a moment to look back at a busy year for criminal justice reform in Michigan and take stock of all that’s happened. From the introduction of Clean Slate to the passage of Raise the Age, the formation of the Joint Task Force on Jail and Pretrial Incarceration [...]

Changing narratives on long sentences, catching up with board member Dr. Cobbina at a criminology conference

Every year in mid-November, thousands of criminologists from around the world gather in a large U.S. city for the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC). ASC is the primary professional association for criminologists and other academics that study crime. This year, the conference took place in San Francisco, and the theme was [...]

2019-12-03T15:20:00-05:00December 3rd, 2019|Categories: Blog, Lifers, Parole, Racial equity, Reentry, Sentencing|

Life and Long Sentences

This is the third in a series of blogs related to understanding who is incarcerated in Michigan prisons, why they are incarcerated, and for how long. The first post looked at some of the demographics of our prison population. In the second blog, which took a look changing size of our prison population, we ended [...]

Reflections on the Ending Perpetual Punishment Convening

Image is from the Sentencing Project’s Still Life report:https://www.sentencingproject.org/publications/still-life-americas-increasing-use-life-long-term-sentences/ Four members of the Safe & Just Michigan team attended the two-day convening on Ending Perpetual Punishment in Detroit on July 12-13. The aim was to bring together representatives from organizations who are actively trying to reduce life and long sentences, to discuss what [...]

2019-07-25T11:02:40-04:00July 25th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Lifers, Sentencing|

Old, sick and expensive: The graying of Michigan’s prison population

Michigan doesn’t have the death penalty, but that doesn’t mean people don’t die in our state’s prisons. In 2017 alone, 106 people died while they were incarcerated in Michigan, according to the Michigan Department of Corrections’ Statistical Report. Many of them were receiving treatment for medical conditions. Things like cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and the advanced [...]

2019-04-22T16:16:57-04:00March 21st, 2019|Categories: Blog, Corrections budget, Elderly, Lifers|

Medically Frail Parole gets a second chance

Just a few months ago, it appeared as though legislators had no appetite for creating medically frail parole for incarcerated people in Michigan who can no longer accomplish regular daily tasks such as feeding or dressing themselves. After being diluted last year, the medically frail parole proposal finally made it out of the Michigan House [...]

2019-03-07T16:38:02-05:00March 7th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Elderly, Lifers, Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC), Parole|