:: our work ::


Why This Matters

The true impact of the criminal legal system reaches far beyond the walls of a prison cell. Once someone has been arrested, policies should support their community reintegration, not impede it with roadblocks to things like housing, employment, education and economic opportunity.

:: campaign work & focus ::

Barriers to Medical Employment

State law keeps skilled people with a criminal record taking many health care jobs — even as Michigan faces a shortage of up to 61,900 nursing jobs in coming years. We can do better.

Clean Slate

Getting an expungement in Michigan used to be confusing, expensive and difficult. Clean Slate and its Automatic Expungement changed that. How can we make it even better?

Fair Chance Housing

At a time of rapidly rising housing costs and housing shortages, discriminatory policies exclude people with a criminal record from many housing units. There’s a better way.

Vital Documents

People returning from prison need personal identification to find work and a place to live. Replacing documents can take months. What people came home with them already in hand?
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