TopicsOjibway prison slated for closure August 15, 2018 / Topics / Michigan Department of Corrections
TopicsContinued advocacy to stop proposed Medicaid rules August 10, 2018 / Topics / Criminal Record, Felony, Returning Citizens
TopicsFelony firearm in Michigan: A case study in what’s wrong with mandatory minimums August 7, 2018 / Topics / Felony, Sentencing
TopicsFormerly Incarcerated People Can Vote in Michigan August 6, 2018 / Topics / Parole, Probation, Returning Citizens, Voting
Evidence-Based Sentencing, JLWOP, TopicsFormer Juvenile Lifer Reflects on His First Year of Freedom August 2, 2018 / Evidence-Based Sentencing, JLWOP, Topics / Life and Long Sentences, Storytelling
Access And Opportunity For All, Clean Slate, TopicsClearing records paves the way to jobs, housing, and education July 26, 2018 / Access And Opportunity For All, Clean Slate, Topics / Criminal Record, Expungement
TopicsResidents bring enthusiasm for criminal justice reform to Detroit meeting July 19, 2018 / Topics / Returning Citizens
Access And Opportunity For All, Clean SlateFamily Man: Robert shows how Clean Slate legislation helps parents like him find good jobs July 17, 2018 / Access And Opportunity For All, Clean Slate / Criminal Record, Expungement
TopicsCommission examines sentencing disparities in Michigan July 16, 2018 / Topics / Research, Sentencing