TopicsProposed Medicaid rules will create new barriers to employment; reduce public safety April 12, 2018 / Topics / Felony
TopicsObjective parole reform (HB 5377) moves forward April 10, 2018 / Topics / Legislation, Objective Parole
TopicsRaise the age cost study does not offer the full picture March 9, 2018 / Topics / Research, Youth Justice
TopicsHouse calls to end longstanding backlog of mental health evaluations March 9, 2018 / Topics / House of Representatives, Legislation
TopicsMedically frail bills move on to House floor March 7, 2018 / Topics / Compassionate Release, House of Representatives, Legislation
TopicsHouse Law and Justice Committee hears testimony on objective parole February 20, 2018 / Topics / House of Representatives, Legislation, Legislative Testimony, Objective Parole
TopicsHB 5377 would make parole process more objective February 15, 2018 / Topics / Legislation, Objective Parole
Access And Opportunity For All, Barriers To Medical Employment, TopicsBills expand employment opportunities in the healthcare industry February 15, 2018 / Access And Opportunity For All, Barriers To Medical Employment, Topics / Felony, House of Representatives, Legislation
Access And Opportunity For All, Barriers To Medical Employment, TopicsHouse Law and Justice Committee hears testimony on barriers to employment February 2, 2018 / Access And Opportunity For All, Barriers To Medical Employment, Topics / Felony, House of Representatives, Legislation, Legislative Testimony