TopicsGuest column: Michigan prison costs far exceed benchmarks June 14, 2012 / Topics / Op-ed, SJM Staff
TopicsMichigan prison costs far exceed benchmarks; that should change June 14, 2012 / Topics / Budget, Michigan Department of Corrections
TopicsReal truth in sentencing could really save big prison dollars March 29, 2012 / Topics / Budget, Michigan Department of Corrections, Op-ed, SJM Staff
TopicsCut prison costs the smart way March 20, 2012 / Topics / Budget, Michigan Department of Corrections, Op-ed, SJM Staff
TopicsStrategies for safely reducing the prisoner population March 17, 2012 / Topics / Michigan Department of Corrections, Parole, Sentencing
TopicsLevine: Private prison bill has many flaws, questions include cost savings, accountability February 26, 2012 / Topics / Op-ed