TopicsObjective parole bill passes out of full Senate September 6, 2018 / Topics / Legislation, Objective Parole, Senate
TopicsSafe & Just Michigan testifies in support of HB 5377, objective parole September 5, 2018 / Topics / Legislation, Legislative Testimony, Objective Parole
TopicsObjective parole bill moves on to Senate Committee May 31, 2018 / Topics / Objective Parole, Senate
TopicsFact Sheet: Objective Parole Reform for low-risk offenders April 12, 2018 / Topics / Objective Parole
TopicsObjective parole reform (HB 5377) moves forward April 10, 2018 / Topics / Legislation, Objective Parole
TopicsHouse Law and Justice Committee hears testimony on objective parole February 20, 2018 / Topics / House of Representatives, Legislation, Legislative Testimony, Objective Parole
TopicsHB 5377 would make parole process more objective February 15, 2018 / Topics / Legislation, Objective Parole
TopicsBusiness leaders call for reforms: We want to hire more parolees May 24, 2017 / Topics / Objective Parole
TopicsHB 4138, the Smart and Safe parole reform bill, is expected to move forward before the end of this year October 21, 2016 / Topics / Objective Parole