TopicsWhat to Know Before You Go to the Polls October 29, 2020 / Topics / Parole, Probation, Returning Citizens, Voting
TopicsIf you lived in Florida, do you know if you could vote? September 17, 2020 / Topics / Signature Event, Voting
TopicsMichigan Voting Rights for Justice Involved People: August Primary July 27, 2020 / Topics / Parole, Probation, Returning Citizens, Voting
TopicsMichigan Voting Rights for Justice Involved People January 30, 2020 / Topics / Parole, Probation, Voting
TopicsDetroit Community Meeting – Sharing stories, planning for the future October 4, 2018 / Topics / Criminal Record, Voting
TopicsFact Sheet: A guide to Michigan’s Voting Rights September 21, 2018 / Topics / Parole, Probation, Voting
TopicsFormerly Incarcerated People Can Vote in Michigan August 6, 2018 / Topics / Parole, Probation, Returning Citizens, Voting